Friday, August 31, 2007

Annamalai (Tamilian) claims he is Siddhar Selvam, expert and head of a nonexistent Sri Akasthiyar Siddhar Peetam of Kerala for Atharvana Veda

Annamalai Annamalai is from 'Chettiar' community in Tamil Nadu.
This Annamalai is claiming to be the, quote, "spiritual head of the worldwide Sri Akasthiyar Siddhar Peetam".
He claims to have donated tons of money in US Dollars to a temple. In Millions that is..

When I searched in the website search engine for "Sri Akasthiyar Siddhar Peetam", nothing showed up. Calling himself a swamiji and with a host of other titles, and sporting a mustache but no beard, this man claims to be the 26th Mattathipathi of Sri Akasthiyar Siddhar Peetam- Kerala, India.

He has a premises in Norcross, GA but claims that the place is a temple. But he runs other businesses there. That place (the main hall, that is) also doubles as a space for

This man, who was selling beads outside temples in NY, NJ etc a few years ago suddenly claims to have 2 Million followers all over the world! He also claims that has the highest clientele for Vedic Astrology in USA, and has expertise in Atharva Vedic Rituals and several healing techniques. These are tall, blatantly unverifiable claims and, judging by the eerie silence and a hunting emptiness that fills the premises, one can easily notice that this man is a big fraud.

Who else other than a man out of his wits can say that he is, quote, "doing business with god"?
In his website ( he has claimed that, quote, "He is assisted by his 372 full time pundits, and he has trained them in all the Yantra, Thantra, and Mantra." One look at the god-forsaken place in Norcross, and you can decide for yourself that this man is bluffing.

Look at what he can be consulted for:
** Late Marriage (anyway the marriage is delayed, what can this man do?)
** All kinds of children Problems (Funny 'omnibus' listing)
** Problems and court litigations (as if this man can solve legal cases!!)
** Sexual Problems ( Who will permit him to witness and fix sexual problems?)
** Influence of Good and Bad Spirits (Influence of Good spirits ?)
** Frequent Accidents Problems (Does this make any sense at all?)

The list is getting funnier...

* New born Babies Problems (what can he do? Feed them at nights?)
* Partnership Problem (Can he handle legal issues?)
* Love Affairs Problems (Why is love affair a problem till we bring him in between?)
* Property Problems (so he can serve as a middleman and get his share too?)
* Government Problem (This is the height of stupidity - what is a 'govt. problem'?)
* Brother/ Sister problems (Maybe he was a pain in his brother / sister's lives)
* Mother-in-law/Father-in-Law problems (Needs no comment - so ridiculous)
* Brother-in-Law-Sister-In-Law Problems
* Drainage of money Problems (He can turn the pipe into his pockets!)
* Immigration Problems (He is above law - so he claims to solve immigration issues!!)
* Any and All kinds of Human and Evil problems (A nasty definition for 'catch-all' )


1. Can he produce evidence/proof of donation of so much money - checks, receipts, press releases that verifies the claim?

2. All his sites only show he is a wheeler-dealer in landed properties, and has photographs of a lot of anonymous people in his websites. Can he post photographs of the 25 siddhars who held the post as the head of the 'peetam' before him with their names, addresses etc?

3. Can he give TEN authentic references of REAL people that he helped to get over major illness or problems or issues?

4. What sex problems does he solve ? How can he solve legal problems? How can he solve immigration problems?
5. Can he prove that he has all the people on staff that he claims – so many priests?
6. Is he paying them, if they really exist, in US Dollars (which is the legal approach) or in Indian Rupees? Is he paying at all? Are they all really qualified priests or were brought in with fake documents?

7. What happened to his proposed temple in Apple Valley, CA? Why was that not built? Why did he run away to Georgia?

8. Can he say how he got all the money to buy the house in a posh locality in Sugarloaf area in Atlanta? If it is not from temple money then where did he get it from? By his own admission, he is not known to be doing any job in particular. So where did the money come from?

9. If he was such a big donor, how come nobody else is talking about it, or why no TV coverage or radio interviews?

10. Many people in the Balaji temple in Malibu (Address: 1600, Las Virgines Canyon Road, Calabasas, CA 91302. Phone: 818-880-5552, web: have said that this man was such a pain in the temple premises, cheating all the devotees coming in to the temple to pray. HE PRAYED on them and cheated them of several thousands of dollars.

If any of you have had problems because of this man, please post your experiences in this blog and share it with others.

Thank you,
